Manos Roumeliotis, Professor,
Director CNST Lab

Area of interest: "Digital System's Architecture"

Department of Applied Informatics

3rd floor G-D Building (CNC), Room 525
156 Egnatia Street
54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone: ++302310 891-894

Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: "Αρχιτεκτονική Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων"

Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

5ος όροφος, Γ-Δ, Γραφείο 525
Εγνατίας 156
Θεσσαλονίκη 54006
Τηλ. 2310 891-894


Address at the Gala Dinner of the
EUNIS 2021 Congress

It is under Zeus’ Philoxenia that this Synodos of Europa Academies’ Gnostic Systems is organized in Athenai. The Theme of the Synodos is “A New Epoch of Dual-Arithmetic Metamorphosis: Paradigms for Academia Pedagogy.”
Pandemia has been a catalyst for the genesis of authentic didactical methods in Schools. Gnostic Systems Organizations analyzed the problem without procrastination and endowed new synchronous teledidactic systems and electronic machinery.
The AcademicCenters for Automation Systems generated new gnostic schemata and protocols for harmonizing the plethora of academic parameters. Practices that historically required physical parousia at School are now telepracticed. Archives are authenticated via dual-arithmetic autographs and dialogues are held by telesynergy. Scholars can practice iconically with their electronic mechanisms. Pedagogues can use teleorganized classes to disperse gnosis to neophyte scholars.
Synchronous and asynchronous teledidactic systems that had been in use before the hygiene crisis were drastically reorganized. Maybe the most critical problem still remaining in teledidactics is the elenchus of gnosis with electronic means.
In the end, the panacea will make the pandemic just a parenthesis, but the mosaic of automation in the pedagogic practice will remain.
My Eucharistia to You.

Manos Roumeliotis



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